Berylline Hummingbird
(Amazilia Beryllina)
Berylline Hummingbird is among the rare hummingbird strays of Southeastern Arizona.
BILL: males have a straight and very slender bill, very dark red in color, almost black, females are less colorful than males.
SIZE: measuring 3.75-4.25 inches in length, with 5.25 inches wingspan range. They have pointed-wings and fan-shaped tail.
WEIGHT:  6 grams.
COLOR: green, black, white, rufous, red-brown, iridescent.
FORESTS: open pine-oak woods or among sycamores in shady canyons.
NECTAR from flowers and sugar-water mixtures in hummingbird feeders.
INSECTS small insects and spiders.
NEST: compact cup made of grasses, moss, plant fibers, spider webs, lined with plant down, exterior is camouflaged with flakes of green lichen. Built on a shrub, bush or tree on low, thin horizontal branches, 17 - 25 feet above ground.
EGGS: 2 eggs, white in color.
INCUBATION: 14 days, female only.
HOVERING while feeding from flowers and catching small insects, by plucking them from foliage. Dominates other feeding hummingbirds by diving and chasing them away from flowers.
Chiricahua Mountains of Southeast Arizona, and in New Mexico. Spend the winter in Mexico.

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