American Tree Sparrow 

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Spizella Arborea 

American Tree Sparrow

Adults have a rusty cap and gray underparts with a small dark spot on the breast.

They have a rusty back with lighter stripes, brown wings with white bars and a slim tail.

Their face is gray with a rusty line through the eye. Their flanks are splashed with light brown.

BILL: small with black upper mandible and yellow lower mandible.

SIZE: measures about 5.5 inches in length, with a wingspan of 9.4 inches.

WEIGHT: weighs about 13 - 28 grams.

COLOR: rust, gray, brown and white.

Insects and spiders during summer, and grass and weed seeds and berries in winter.

BREEDS: Along edge of tundra, above treeline, in open areas with scattered trees.

WINTER: Fields, marshes, gardens, open forests and residential areas.

BREEDS: Western Alaska to Labrador, and southwards to northern British Columbia and Quebec.

WINTER: Southern Canada, southwards to northern Arizona, northern Texas and South Carolina.

CALL: A musical “teedle-eet”. It also utters a thin “seet”.

SONG: Begins with several clear notes, followed by a variable and rapid warbler.

Both sexes use calls, but male sings only one song. In flight, call is a high and sharp “tsiiw”.

NEST: The female builds a neatly- woven open cup nest, with moth, grasses, sedges, bark and twigs. It is lined with fine grass, sedges and feathers.

EGGS: 4 - 6 creamy-white, pale blue or green eggs, speckled reddish.

INCUBATION: 10 - 14 days, female.

FLEDGLING PHASE: 8 - 10 days.

They prefer foraging along the ground or relatively low in the vegetation, often in small flocks, sometimes in mixed flocks with other species.

American Tree Sparrow Infographic


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