Paradise Tanager

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Tangara chilensis

Paradise Tanager

The Paradise Tanager is a medium-sized, stunningly colorful songbird of the Amazonian lowlands.

Length varies between 5.31 - 5.9 inches and weigh around 18 - 21 grams.

It is brilliantly multicolored, with light green head, sky blue underparts and black upper body plumage.

Depending on subspecies, the rump is yellow and red or all red. Beak is black and the legs are gray.

Both sexes are alike.

Mostly forage in the upper canopy, but also in lower fruiting trees, eating the fruits of Miconia and Aralia, among others.

They also eat seeds invertebrates, namely fly larvae, short-horned grasshoppers, and spiders.

Found in lowland humid tropical and subtropical forests, generally along the forest edge or in forest clearings.

Western and northern Amazon Basin in South America, it occurs in Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil and the Guianas.

Nest is cup-shaped, made with moss, fungus strings and spider web. It is placed in the tree canopy up to 30 meters above the ground.

The female lays greenish-white eggs with dark spots which are incubated for 15 - 17 days.

The chicks fledge about 16 days after hatching. Each pair may raise 2 - 3 broods per season.


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  • real name is daddy balls


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