Research indicates that rearing a pet in your home can be a great way to boost the conditions necessary to sustain a happy and stress-free life. Pets keep you company, even as they keep you busy. They are a great distracter from the temptations of stretching your mind and thoughts beyond healthy limits. Psychologists and other human health experts have concurred that stress is a direct result of keeping your mind in overdrive most of the time. It is a result of a constant quest for a solution that isn’t forthcoming. Unfortunately for caregivers and candidates of nursing homes, the prospect of keeping pets within a nursing home is not tenable. This article seeks to highlight the important role of bird feeders for nursing home guests and patients. Bird feeding is a strategy that has been hailed by many nursing home researchers and has proved to yield great results in the places it has been used.

Bird Feeders for Nursing Home - The Welcome Distraction

Well, if you are a nursing home resident, or caregiver, don’t fret. There is an alternative. If the caregivers can attract bird feeders for nursing home locations, they can effectively replace the conventional pets we keep in hour homes. For the patients within nursing homes, having birds nibbling at things at the windows and lawns around the nursing home provides a welcome break from the incessant worries most patients in nursing homes tend to elicit.

Feeding the Birds

Most home care occupants are people who previously provided care and love to others. They worked to support their families and others under their care. They were looked upon for support. They led an independent life. Other people looked up to them for care and support. Unfortunately, they find themselves on the receiving end in a rather involuntary way. Coping with such a change of status can be stressful and demeaning. The feeling that one has suddenly become an invalid, or that they are no longer useful in the society they reside is discouraging. Many people in these circumstances turn pale and passive. Depression soon takes a tall order on them.

Engaging such people in daily chores such as feeding birds around the nursing home is a great way of allowing the nursing home residents; the old and sick to extend love and care to something. It makes them feel better. Birds are interesting creatures; they can keep such people from the destructive thoughts and the tendency to reminisce over lost glory days.

Easing Work

If enough birds are attracted to visit a nursing home, they can ease the work of the nursing home care givers and other support networks by engaging the aged and the sick. Residents of the nursing home often get engrossed in activities around the aerial visitors. Some may engage passively by enjoying the birds perch and play at their windows, while others may choose to actively provide some care and attention to the birds. They may choose to feed the birds routinely; so much so that, over time, it becomes a preoccupation. This helps keep their minds off negative thoughts and reignites their sense of responsibility.

Encouraging bird feeders for nursing home is, therefore, not only beneficial to the patients, but to the staffs and other care givers within such centers. Testimonials collected in a survey in several nursing homes underscored this fact.


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